postarchivefaction PAF X VIRGIL ABLOH 2025カレンダーの人気アイテム
POSTARCHIVEFACTION PAF X VIRGIL ABLOH™ "FIGURES OF SPEECH" TEE RIGHT (BLACK) Lサイズです。袋からも出してない新商品です。韓国のソウルにあるPOSTARCHIVEFACTIONショップで購入しました。FIGURES OF SPEECH TEE RIGHT (BLACK)VIRGIL ABLOH™ "FIGURES OF SPEECH" exhibition merchandise. Typeface design with fig leaves, derivedfrom the leaf that Adam and Eve used to cover themselves.VIRGIL ABLOH™ "FIGURES OF SPEECH" 전시 머첸다이즈.아담과 이브가 자신들의 몸을 가리기 위해 사용했던 무화과 잎을 활용한 타입페이스 디자인.Short sleeve cotton jersey T-shirt in black.Exhibition name printed on the front.Brooklyn Museum exhibition info printed on the back.코튼 소재의 블랙 티셔츠.전면에 전시명 프린트. 뒷면에 브루클린 뮤지엄 전시 정보 프린트.Size(Length/chest/arm/shoulder)L : 76cm/59cm/25cm/49cm#postarchivefaction#postarchivefactionpaf#virgilabloh#オフホワイト #offwhite#韓国 #韓国ブランドカラー···ブラック袖丈···半袖柄・デザイン···プリント(ロゴなど)ネック···Uネック季節感···春、夏、秋